There were a lot of questions before
the race began, so here's where most of them are answered.
The questions are arranged in a would-be
chronicalogical order.
Travel Bugs:
Question: Does the bug need to be a car?
Answer: Nope, it just needs to have "NTBR" in it's
Question: Should people be allowed to have more than 1 TB?
If so, maybe they have to be launched from seperate caches?
Answer: There is one Travel Bug per person, though each member
of a team may have a bug. Each member must launch from a separate
Question: Where can we get tags for the bugs?
Answer: The actual dog tag? GC.com. The mission tag can be
downloaded from the Tag link above.
Question: Is there a way that GC.com
can track a group of TB's or is this something we need to track
Answer: All Travel Bugs must have "NTBR"
at the end of their name. Bernsports will track all bugs on his
Stats page.
Question: "Is there going to be
a specific starting cache or are we just going to "Set them
Answer: Set them free! Any cache within
Nevada is eligible for a starting drop.
Question: If my Bug meets several of the point catagories
in one move, do I only get certain points?
Answer: Each action your bug makes gains points, so if you
reach an East Coast first, get a photo of the ocean, moved out
of an adjoining state, you will get points for all catagories.
Question: What happens if a Travel bug 'skips' states?
Answer: Nothing, you gain mileage. If your Travel Bug journeys
through adjoining states, you gain points.
Question: Can an Owner move their own bug?
Answer: No!
Question: By the east coast, do we
mean any state along the east coast?
Answer: Yes, as soon as the bug crosses
into a state that borders the Atlantic Ocean, it may turn around
and begin heading back. It does not have to reach the coast itself.
Finish Line:
Question: Where exactly is the finish line?
Answer: Bugs finish once they cross back over a Nevada border.
Final points awarded based on location of pick-up.
Question: Who volunteers to keep track
of the travelbugs?
Answer: Bernsports has volunteered
to be our Stat Man.
Question: Where can we track our bugs?
Answer: A dedicated tracking thread will be created on NGA
the day of the race. Stats and locations will be available.
Question: What if my Travel Bug is muggled?
Answer: After a confirmed MIA, if you want to continue racing,
you must start over in Nevada. It will be a new bug and will
track points separately. If you chose to start a new bug, and
your original bug reappears, the new bug will be the only one